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Lamas in the principality of Liechtenstein
Over hill and dale with the lamas

Lamas Triesenberg

Together with his partner Anna-Lena Beck, Marc Schädler runs the llama and alpaca farm in Triesenberg.

Marc Schädler and Anna-Lena Beck with Karl

The story of the llama and alpaca farm started almost 12 years ago with three animals. Anna-Lena and Marc wanted a farm with animals - but no donkeys, horses, goats or cows. And so the first three llamas moved in. From 2010 on, they have expanded their offer around the South American cloven-hoofed animals more and more. About 200 trekking tours per year are carried out at the moment and the tipi on the llama farm is booked about 100 times per year.

Guided Lama tour

Guided Lama tour

Overnight stay in the Tipi

Overnight stay in the Tipi

Anna-Lena Beck

«We've had people from all continents here. As a result, we also learn a lot about their countries of origin and their customs and cultures. That's exciting!»

3 facts about Anna-Lena

  • Favourite food

    "In winter, I love a cheese fondue with our in-house cheese fondue mix. In the summer, it can also be a cheese and meat plate."

  • Job

    Anna-Lena is a horse-nurse and works part-time in a hospital - the rest of the time belongs to the llama and alpaca farm.

  • Favourite Lama or alpaca

    "Of course, you shouldn't have a favourite. But secretly, Karl is already a little bit my favourite. We raised him with the bottle and have a special relationship."

[Translate to English:] 3 Fakten über Marc

  • Lieblingsgetränk

    "Zum Feierabend darf es schon einmal ein kühles Bier sein - vor allem in den heissen Sommermonaten. Ansonsten ist das Leitungswasser im Triesenberg der perfekte Durstlöscher, kristallklar und direkt aus den Bergen kommend."

  • Beruf

    Marc hat die Lehre als Drucker bei der BVD in Liechtenstein absolviert. Neben seiner Tätigkeit auf dem Lama- und Alpakahof ist er dort immer noch als Drucktechnologe Offset und Berufsbildner tätig.

  • Lieblingslama oder Alpaka

    Marcs Lieblingslama ist Aurora. Sie ist die Schwester von Karl und mindestens genauso verschmust wie ihr Bruder.

Lama with a view

Lama with a view

Lama with a view

Lama with a view

The residents

A total of 24 fur friends live on the llama and alpaca farm at 880 meters above sea level. From their home they have a beautiful view over Liechtenstein and the Rhine Valley.

Karl, the favourite lama

"I like it here at Wangerberg, when I'm bored I always find a gap in the fence and explore a bit of Triesenberg. But my favorite time is still summer, when we can nibble on the fresh mountain grass in Malbun."

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Offers lama and alpaca farm

  • Trekking Tours

    Hikes with llamas and alpacas in the Liechtenstein mountains are a highlight for young and old. The tours can be customized and range from 1.5 to 6 hours walking time.

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  • Lamatrekking and Outdoorfondue

    The hit for cold winter days. Experience a special lama tour in the princely Rätikon and enjoy a tasty cheese fondue under the stars after the guided lama tour.

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  • Übernachten im Tipi

    The tipi on the llama and alpaca farm offers space for five people and is located in Triesenberg with a beautiful view of the Rhine Valley. (possible from April to October)

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  • Farm shop

    The farm store of the lama and alpaca farm is open 365 days a year 24 hours a day. Besides wool products, there are many other products to buy, such as regional vegetables, dairy products like raw milk, cheese & yogurt.

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  • Fondue

    The homemade cheese fondue mixture consists of four different types of cheese. It can be bought directly in the farm store or ordered home.

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The first farm shop vending machine in Liechtenstein

Together with Beat Schädler and the team from Fuchsegga, Lama- und Alpakahof has opened the first farm shop vending machine in Liechtenstein. The vending machine is located in Triesenberg, on the main road to Malbun opposite the Triesenberg elementary school. It is accessible 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. The vending machine is filled with delicacies from Liechtenstein farmers such as mountain cheese and alpine yogurt. Innovation made in Triesenberg.



Produkte aus dem Hofladen

Produkte aus dem Hofladen

Lama or Alpaca?

Both lamas and alpacas are bilogically camels - but neither have humps.



  • descend from the guanacos
  • reaches a shoulder height of up to 120cm
  • looks a bit coarser than the alpaca
  • the lama ears have a slightly curved shape
  • shaggy and tangled


  • descend from the vicuñas
  • reaches a shoulder height of about 90cm
  • usually has a finer textured coat than the lamas, therefore are used more for wool production
  • the alpaca ears stand straight up
  • cute and clumsy

With such a beautiful view, the lamas and alpacas dwell in Liechtenstein. In the hot summer months you can often find them on their vacation meadow in Malbun, where it is a bit cooler.