Hotel Oberland, Triesenberg
The Hotel Oberland in Triesenberg is a self-check-in hotel with a fantastic view of Liechtenstein and St. Gallen Rhine Valley.
The modern rooms provide the ideal setting for a relaxing stay for business travelers and leisure guests to explore the Principality of Liechtenstein. From the highway road A13 you pass the main town of Vaduz and from there it takes just 12 minutes by car to Triesenberg, from where you can enjoy a special view.
Self check-in - it's easy
Self-check-in enables you to arrive whenever you want because you can handle check-in yourself – it’s really simple and quick.
You’ve already booked
Have your booking confirmation, passport or ID card and a credit or Maestro card ready. Then enter your booking number at the terminal and follow the instructions on the screen.
You’re travelling spontaneously
You can see directly at the self-check-in terminal whether there is still a room available.
Staying with a vision
The bright, inviting rooms are equipped with a bathroom with shower and toilet and a balcony, so you can enjoy the great view of Liechtenstein and St. Gallen Rhine Valley.
including breakfast
After a good night we prepare a delicious breakfast in „ the Walserstuba“.


Alle Informationen zu Gastronomie und Hotels am Liechtenstein-Weg
The Liechtenstein Trail
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