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Birkahoflädile Agra Mauren

The Birkahoflädile is part of the center for curative pedagogics in Liechtenstein and offers fresh organic produce from its own farm as well as handicrafts from the various departments.

Farm shop offers
Seasonal vegetables, salads, seedlings, fruit and herbs. In addition, handicrafts made with love and creativity from the Agra, Atelier, Auxilia, Servita and Textrina departments.

About the farm
The center for curative pedagogics aims to integrate people with a disability and/or developmental disorder into social and professional life according to their abilities. Opened in 1969 in Schaan as a "curative education day centre" with a special school and kindergarten, the organisation was renamed HPZ in 1979. Today, the HPZ has several sheltered workshops with over 150 workplaces as well as homes for assisted and supported living. Products from the workshops are sold in the Birkahoflädile.

Payment options:

  • Cash
  • Card (EC)

How to get there:

  • Possible by car
  • Nearest bus stop: Ziel, Mauren

Please contact us for further questions and information.
  • Contact
    Agra hpz Anstalt
    Rietstrasse 9
    9493 Mauren
    T +423 235 59 40
  • Opening hours

    Montag - Samstag: 8:00 - 20:00 Uhr

  • Map
Mauren Agra Hofladen
Birkahoflädile Agra Mauren
Alte Säge Schaanwald
Balzers Äulehof
Farm shop Aeulehof Balzers
Bangshof Ruggell
Farm shop Bangshof, Ruggell
Triesenberg Hedihof
Farm shop Hedihof, Triesenberg
Lama- und Alpaka Hofladen Winterguetzli
Farm shop Lama- und Alpakahof, Triesenberg
Farm shop Neufeldhof, Vaduz
Bendern Riethof
Farm shop Riethof, Gamprin-Bendern